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Aloe Vera

aloe barbadensis

  • Bright light
  • Easy care
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  • Franky likes...
    • Light watering

      His leaves hold a lot of water, so he doesn’t need frequent watering. Water him only when his soil is dry.

    • Bright light

      He’ll enjoy a spot with lots of bright light, though not too much direct sun. He won’t enjoy living in shade.

    • Warmth

      He doesn’t cope well with cold. The temperature of most homes should be fine, but keep him away from draughts.

  • Botanical name

    Aloe barbadensis


    Burn aloe; First aid plant

    Plant type

    Succulent, indoor

    Air purifying


    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/baby safe?

    Toxic to pets if ingested

    Nursery pot size


  • For more care advice about Franky, check out our complete guide to aloe vera care.

    Aloe vera is probably one of the best-known houseplants. The gel inside its leaves is famously used for soothing burns, but it’s more than just a green first aid kit. This is a plant that has adapted to live all over the world.

    A wild aloe vera could grow as big as a metre across. If you think that’s impressive, its flower spike can reach 90cm. UK growers will probably never see an aloe vera flower, but they’re beautiful. They look a bit like the flower known as red hot poker.

    Though it’s native to the Arabian Peninsula, aloe vera now grows wild in North Africa, Spain, Mexico, China, Australia and southern parts of the USA. It doesn’t often grow outside in the UK, because it really doesn’t like frost, but it’s incredibly easy to grow indoors. Make sure it gets a lot of light and not too much water. In spring and summer, it will benefit from a feed with liquid fertiliser (make sure to use fertliser made specifically for succulents and cacti).

    Did you know?

    There are records of aloe vera being used for its medicinal properties since the 16th century BC.

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