Complete guide to anthurium 'Lilli' care
Pretty in pink, the anthurium ‘Lilli’ is the ultimate elegant showstopper plant.

The anthurium 'Lilli' is a fabulous indoor plant that brings understated class to any space. With its long-lasting blooms and glossy, green leaves, the anthurium 'Lilli' is a very popular choice among plant lovers. To keep you on your toes, our anthurium ‘Lilli’ is called Rachel. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about caring for an anthurium 'Lilli'.
- Keep the soil lightly moist and water when the top two inches of soil feel dry
- It will thrive with plenty of bright, indirect light - think a bright room, away from direct sunlight
- Recreate the rainforest with regular misting for healthy leaves
About anthurium 'Lilli'
You’d be forgiven for thinking that this plant is a peace lily - they look very similar and its botanical name is close - but this plant is actually an anthurium. Found in the wild across the warmest parts of South America and the Caribbean, the anthurium is a particularly stunning houseplant. A master of deception, the pink parts of the plant aren’t actually flowers, they’re spathes. It gets a bit scientific, but a spathe is a colourful leaf that attracts insects.
These plants are known for symbolising happiness, hospitality and abundance, which could be why anthuriums are one of our most popular gifts.
How much light does my anthurium 'Lilli' need?
An anthurium 'Lilli' prefers bright, indirect light. Keep it out of harsh direct sunlight, this can scorch its leaves. It's best to place your anthurium ‘Lilli’ in a spot that receives filtered sunlight, slightly away from the window.
How often should I water my anthurium 'Lilli'?
Generally your anthurium 'Lilli' will need consistent moisture, but it doesn't like to sit in water. You’ll likely need to water your plant once a week. Make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged - check the soil moisture by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil. If your finger comes out dry, it's time to water your plant. If it’s wet, leave your plant a bit longer before giving it a drink.

Does my anthurium 'Lilli' need a humid environment?
Your anthurium 'Lilli' prefers a humid spot, it’s from a tropical rainforest after all. You can increase the humidity by misting your plant with a spray bottle, placing a tray of water near your plant, or using a humidifier. It's important to keep the leaves clean by wiping them with a damp cloth or sponge. This will stop dust from clogging the pores of the plant.
Should I fertilise my anthurium 'Lilli'?
An anthurium 'Lilli' needs regular feeding during the growing season to look its best. Use a diluted balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks in spring and summer to keep your plant healthy and to encourage lots of new growth. In the winter, you don’t need to worry about fertilising your anthurium.
When should I repot my anthurium 'Lilli'?
With the right care, your anthurium 'Lilli' will outgrow its nursery pot and need some extra nutrients. Repot your anthurium ‘Lilli’ every two to three years in the spring when it's actively growing. Make sure you use a well-draining potting mix and pick a pot that's one size or a few centimetres bigger than the current nursery pot. When you’re repotting, make sure to gently loosen the roots and remove any dead or rotten roots. You can learn more about repotting here.

Common anthurium 'Lilli' pests and diseases
You might spot the occasional pests making themselves at home with your anthurium 'Lilli'. Don’t worry, with the right care it’s easy to send common culprits like spider mites and mealybugs packing. You can prevent infestations by regularly cleaning your plant’s leaves. If you notice any pests, isolate your plant from the rest of your collection and treat it with insecticidal soap. Be vigilant and repeat this treatment every seven to ten days until the pests are gone.
Should I prune my anthurium ‘Lilli’?
You can prune your anthurium 'Lilli' to keep its shape and encourage new growth. If you like, you can prune your plant throughout the year, but it's best to do it in the spring when it's actively growing. Use sharp, clean scissors to remove any dead or yellowing leaves, stems, or flowers. Just make sure to sterilise your scissors with rubbing alcohol before and after each use.
An anthurium 'Lilli' is a beautiful plant that will thrive with a little care and attention. By following these simple care tips, you can keep your plant happy, healthy and thriving.
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