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Complete guide to anthurium 'Zizou' care

With its purple hues and glossy leaves, an anthurium ‘Zizou’ brings the fun to your home jungle.

Close up detail photo of a purple anthurium 'Zizou' plant on a white studio background

The anthurium 'Zizou' is a stunning tropical plant that adds a pop of colour to any home. We call ours Lucy. With its purple heart-shaped spathe and gorgeous leaves, it's a popular choice for houseplant fans. Like any plant, it requires proper care to thrive. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about caring for an anthurium 'Zizou':

  • Water when the top two inches of soil feel dry, it won’t like being soggy
  • For lots of blooms, give it plenty of bright, indirect light
  • Keep its leaves happy and healthy with regular misting

About anthurium 'Zizou'

It might look a lot like a peace lily, but this plant is actually an anthurium. Generally found in the wild across the warmest parts of South America and the Caribbean, the anthurium is one of the most striking houseplants. The purple parts of the plant aren’t actually flowers, they’re spathes. It gets a bit scientific, but a spathe is a colourful leaf that attracts insects.

Symbolising happiness, hospitality and abundance, these anthuriums make an excellent gift.

How much light does my anthurium 'Zizou' need?

An anthurium 'Zizou' prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its delicate leaves, so it's best to place it in a spot that receives filtered sunlight - think behind a translucent curtain or away from the window.

How often should I water my anthurium 'Zizou'?

Your anthurium 'Zizou' needs consistent moisture, but it doesn't like to sit in water. Aim to water your plant about once a week, making sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged. You can check the soil moisture by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it's time to water your plant. Make sure to use room temperature water and let the water drain fully through the soil before you put it back in its decorative pot.

An illustrated diagram of the finger dip test

Does my anthurium ‘Zizou’ need a humid environment?

An anthurium 'Zizou' will thrive in a humid environment, so definitely try to keep its surroundings humid. Mist your plant with a spray bottle every few days, pop a tray of water near your plant, or put it in a naturally steamy spot like a kitchen or bathroom. It's important to keep the leaves clean. Wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge, this will prevent dust from clogging the pores of the plant.

Should I fertilise my anthurium 'Zizou'?

Your anthurium 'Zizou' needs regular fertilisation during the growing season, which is from spring to early autumn. Use a diluted balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks to keep your plant healthy and encourage new growth. You don’t need to worry about fertilising your anthurium in winter, your plant won’t be growing as much.

A purple anthurium 'Zizou' in a decorative pot on a side table in a living room

When should I repot my anthurium 'Zizou'?

Aim to repot your anthurium 'Zizou' every two to three years. It's best to repot your plant in the spring when it's actively growing. Use a well-draining potting mix and choose a pot that's one size larger than the current pot. When repotting, make sure to gently loosen the roots and remove any dead or rotten roots. Find out more about repotting here.

Common anthurium 'Zizou' pests and diseases

Your anthurium 'Zizou' might experience some unwelcome visitors, but it’s nothing to worry about. Keep an eye out for spider mites and mealybugs in particular. You can prevent infestations by keeping your plant clean and free of dust. If you notice any pests, isolate your plant and treat it with insecticidal soap. Repeat the treatment every seven to ten days until the pests are gone.

The Anthurium 'Zizou' is a stunning plant that will thrive with a little care. By following these simple tips, you can keep your plant healthy and vibrant.

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