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House Plant Parenting

What do I need when I start growing houseplants?

When you’re brand new to houseplants it can seem a little bit overwhelming, but looking after plants is mostly very easy and really fun. Everyone has to start somewhere. No matter where you start there are a few things you’ll need.

Decorative pots

The most obvious thing. All Patch houseplants come in a nursery pot, which is the pot it’s been growing in - the one with the holes in the bottom. You probably don’t want those on display, so you need a decorative pot to put it in. We have loads to choose from in all sorts of designs and colours. Every plant’s page will tell you what size pot you need. You don’t need to remove the plant from the nursery pot. Just put the whole thing in the decorative pot. 


For most plants you’ll need a mister. A lot of houseplants are originally from tropical environments, where the humidity is high. They’ve adapted to live in our cooler climate, but they still like to feel like they’re in a steamy tropical forest. The easiest way to recreate that is spray them with a gentle mist to keep their leaves nice and fresh. Without it, you might see your plant's leaves turn brown at the edges. Not every plant will need misting, but you’ll find instructions on each plant’s page on the Patch website.


Plants get hungry for nutrients, so they need plant food, also called fertiliser. In the wild they’d pull nutrients from the soil. Grown indoors, they don’t get those nutrients naturally, so we have to provide them. Usually you just add this fertiliser to water, then pour over the soil. Plants only need feeding in warm months, when they’re growing. They don’t grow much in winter, so they won’t need feeding. Most plants will only need feeding once per month in spring and summer, but you can find specific instructions on the plant's page. 

Watering can

Lastly, you’ll need a watering can. You can water plants directly in the sink, or in the shower for larger ones, but for smaller or more delicate plants it’s best to use a watering can. It means you can direct the water straight to the roots where it can do the most good.

That’s it. You’re now fully kitted out to start your plant journey. If you’d like a simple introduction to looking after plants, try the Patch Plant Parenting Course. It’s a series of bite size videos that cover everything you need to consider to start living with houseplants

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