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Calathea lancifolia

Goeppertia insignis

  • Super fussy
  • Most light conditions
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  • Jesse likes...
    • Medium light

      They like lots of light but not direct sun (it will make them fade). Their leaves will be less vivid if they're put somewhere shady.

    • Regular watering

      They like their soil to stay lightly moist. Give them a drink whenever the top two inches of soil feel dry.

    • Humidity

      They really really love humidity. Put them somewhere steamy or mist them regularly to avoid brown leaf tips.

  • Botanical name

    Calathea lancifolia


    Rattlesnake plant; Prayer plant

    Plant type


    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/Baby safe?


    Nursery pot size


  • For more care advice about Jesse, check out our complete guide to calathea care.

    Well, what’s not to love about this houseplant. Look at it. It’s clear why it’s known as the rattlesnake plant. Its long leaves not only have an interesting rippled shape, they’re also marked with a wild green pattern on their upper side and deep purple underneath. This is a proper showstopper. 

    Scientifically known as calathea lancifolia, it’s part of a family also known as prayer plants. They get that name because their leaves often fold up at night, like praying hands, then unfurl in the morning to catch the day’s sun. 

    It’s originally from Brazil and loves tropical conditions. It likes a good amount of light, but not direct sun. In the wild it would grow in the shade of the tree canopy, so it’s used to dappled sunlight. A spot near a window but not in direct sun will give it enough light to keep those leaves vivid. It can cope with some shade, but its leaves will turn darker. 

    Make sure not to let its soil dry out and give it lots of humidity. If you have a bright bathroom it will be extremely happy there. Add a dose of plant food once per month in spring and summer and it will be the happiest little plant imaginable.

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