If you’ve never heard of the Sansevieria family before, they’re the ideal beginner plants. They’re verging on immortal. They thrive on neglect, responding best to the lightest of watering and being left alone. This one is unusual in that it grows as a single leaf. In the wild in Africa, it typically grows into clumps, but as a houseplant it’s likely to remain one beautiful leaf.
Low-key as they are, Snake plants have been treasured all over the world. In Nigeria, they’re associated with Ogun, the deity of war. In other parts of Africa, they’re connected to Oya, the bringer of storms. In China, they’re the ‘Tiger’s tail orchid’; in Japan, the ‘Tiger’s tail’; in Brazil, the ‘Sword of Saint George’; in Russia, ‘Pike’s tail’. Basically, this plant is pretty famous.
Did you know?
In Barbados, Sansevieria is known as the money plant and believed to bring its owner riches. Worth a try.