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Makrut lime tree

Citrus hysterix; Makrut lime; Kaffir lime; Thai lime

  • Mak likes...
    • Regular watering

      Check frequently and water him regularly and well throughout the growing season, from spring to autumn, but ease off over winter when growing slows.

    • Bright light

      Mak likes lots of sun, so put him in the brightest spot available but provide some shade from the heat.

    • Feeding

      You can encourage Mak to grow more fruit by feeding him with citrus plant food once per month through spring and summer.

  • Botanical name

    Citrus hysterix 


    Makrut lime, Kaffir lime, Thai lime

    Plant type

    Outdoor evergreen

    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/baby safe

    Sap and oils from the peel can react with the sun to irritate the skin. 

    Nursery pot size


    Top tip

    Give him a regular spritz with bug control spray to ward off scale, mealy bugs and spider mites.

  • The Markut lime is native to Southeast Asia where its glossy green leaves and fruit are used in cuisine that has now become famous worldwide. Not only are parts of this plant edible, but every part of it holds fragrance, from its flowers and fruit to its rind and leaves. Citrus hysterix produces heavily scented white flowers throughout the year, which go on to form small bumpy skinned limes that look like little brains. The fruit will need as much sunlight as possible to ripen. Not every fruit will reach full maturity, as the plant will put its energy into just a few at a time. When the fruit looks plump and ripe, cut it off, so you can enjoy it and your tree can get on with growing more.

    To give your plant the best love, it really needs warmth and 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. It’s great grown as a houseplant on a windowsill or in a glasshouse or conservatory. Feel free to put it in a bright spot outside during summer but provide it with some shade from the heat and make sure it’s not exposed to strong winds. Remember to bring it back indoors over winter though, where it will benefit from cooler, frost-free conditions. 

    Remember that the Markut lime is native to a humid, subtropical climate so unlike some of its Mediterranean cousins it actually likes high humidity. If you’re growing it indoors and the air is too dry, its leaves may lack lustre and it may be more susceptible to pests. Increase the humidity by keeping it in a bright kitchen or bathroom, by introducing a humidifier, misting regularly or grouping it with other plants to create a microclimate. 

    To maintain the size of your plant and keep it healthy, prune in late winter or early spring. Using clean, sharp secauteurs cut back any dead, diseased or dying stems as well as any that are growing inwards towards the centre of the plant and any that are crossing. Pruning lets in light and air which prevents pests and diseases and helps the fruit ripen. 

    Depending on the time of year, your trees may arrive without fruit, but if you give them enough warmth and sun they should flower and fruit from spring. Your plants will arrive in nursery pots (the plastic pot they have been growing in). There’s no need to remove them from this. Just place the whole thing inside a decorative pot.

    Did you know?

    Not only is the Markut lime edible but the essential oils released from rind are used in making perfume – maybe it’s an ingredient in yours? This is more noticeable in the heat, when the oils are released from the skin of the fruit.

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