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Orchid - Boquetto Sensation

Phalaenopsis; moth orchid

  • Easy care
  • Bright light
  • Flowering
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    • Light watering

      Water her when the pot feels light. She won’t enjoy sitting in water.

    • Bright light

      She’ll do best in a spot that gets bright but indirect sunlight. An east- or west-facing windowsill is perfect.

    • Humidity

      She’s a tropical plant, so mist her leaves every few days or keep her in a steamy bathroom. Avoid the flowers if you can.

  • Botanical name



    Moth orchid - Boquetto Sensation

    Plant type

    Indoor flowering

    Plant height (including pot)


    Pet/baby safe


    Nursery pot size


  • With over 25,000 types of orchid, there’s plenty of styles to choose from. This classic flowering houseplant will bloom happily in your home with the right care.

    For a happy orchid - and lots of flowers - put yours in bright, indirect sunlight. To encourage your orchid to flower more, feed it orchid fertiliser in spring and summer, and deadhead any faded flowers just above the bud. This will help your orchid put more energy into growing spectacular new flowers, rather than trying to save those that are past their best. Unlike most houseplants, orchids love being root-bound so they won’t need repotting often. Instead, refresh the soil with orchid compost every 2-3 years.   

    Orchids are tropical plants, so they like plenty of humidity. Spritz your orchid’s leaves with a mister every few days, but try to avoid the flowers as the petals can become marked by water. Overwatering is the most common way to kill an orchid, so always check the pot before you give yours a drink. If it feels heavy, leave it alone; if it feels light, it’s time for a drink. The best way to water your orchid is to dunk the whole pot in tepid water (even better if it’s rainwater) and let it drain thoroughly so that the roots aren’t left standing in water.

    Colourful, compact and a classic houseplant, orchids make a great gift.  

    Did you know?

    Orchid seeds are incredibly tiny and can only be seen under a microscope. A single seed pod can hold up to 3 million seeds - that’s a lot of orchids!

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