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Plants for your balcony

Outdoor plants living at altitude need to be tough enough to withstand wind, rain and shine. That's why we've put together this collection of hard-as-nails outdoor plants that will add a splash of colour to your balcony.

Whether you have a Juliet balcony with space for just a few potted plants, or a balcony big enough to entertain all your neighbours, we're here to help you transform your space one plant at a time.

Once you’ve selected your new balcony plants, check out our collection of outdoor plant pots to help them feel right at home.

Our top 5 balcony plants


English ivy is a familiar sight, usually seen climbing churches, trees, pubs… well anything that stays still! She’ll grow and trail quite happily in most light conditions throughout the year, just remember to keep her soil nice and moist.

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Vivi the lemon tree is one of our most special outdoor plants. Seeing lemons growing in the open air won’t be a familiar sight for most, but Vivi will fruit quite happily on a sunny balcony. Give her some liquid fertiliser once a month in spring and summer to encourage her to bear more fruit.

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Mae is our easygoing, balcony-friendly tropical palm. She’s used to fairly dry conditions, so only give her a drink once the top two inches of soil feel dry. She’ll also deal very well with living on an exposed balcony - a stiff breeze won’t bother her at all.

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Beloved by the ancient Greeks and Romans, bay trees have a rich history, and make a striking addition to your balcony. Laura is fairly thirsty, so keep her regularly topped up with water in the summer months, and less so in winter. You can also use her leaves when cooking, just drop a few into sauces, curries, and stews.

Shop Laura


Phoebe the Canary Island date palm is a great all-rounder — she’s just as happy indoors as she is outside. Her sturdy, arching green stems will give your space that cool tropical look, and her easy-going personality means she’s perfect for the novice plant parent.

Shop Phoebe

Balcony favourites

Discover and shop our most popular plants, pots and accessories.

Low-maintenance balcony plants

There’s no shame in forgetting to water your plants, these things happen! Plants that need a little more TLC won’t cope too well being thirsty, so thankfully there are plenty of hardy balcony plants that will forgive your forgetfulness. 

Our tough, almost unkillable balcony plants can survive quite happily through more challenging conditions, like high winds or low light. This makes them a good choice for those new to urban gardening.  

Bree the black bamboo will survive in most light conditions and cope with strong wind, while Ivy the English Ivy isn’t fussy when it comes to watering - she’ll survive quite happily if you forget every now and then.

Tall balcony plants

Tall balcony plants are a great way to introduce a touch of the dramatic to your space. Most balconies aren’t blessed with acres of space, so opting for taller plants can help you make the most of the space you do have. 

Much in the same way as tall buildings, tall balcony plants help you achieve lofty ambitions, while taking up relatively little floor space. Tall plants might seem like a lot of work, but we have some that are super easy to care for, and will elevate your balcony with statement greenery and fabulous foliage. 

Some of our favourite tall balcony plants are Laura the bay tree, Phoebe the tropical canary island date palm, and Boo the fargesia bamboo.

Balcony plants for privacy

Balconies are a perfect place to escape for an hour or two. But if your balcony is exposed to the elements or looked into by neighbours, plants are a way to keep your outdoor oasis private. 

Try one of our bushy bamboos, Boo the fargesia bamboo and Bree the black bamboo. Their leaves and branches grow thick and dense, so if you place them thoughtfully, you’ll be able to shield your balcony from sight, and protect it from strong breezes.  

If bamboo isn’t your thing, Phoebe the tropical canary island date palm is a great alternative for getting some privacy. Her tropical leaves grow nice and full, and given the right conditions, she’ll spread out quite happily.

Balcony plants for shade

While your balcony plants will need some sunlight, there’s no need to worry if you have a shady outdoor space. There are plenty of balcony plants that are happy in low light conditions.

No outdoor plant will cope well with total shade, but if the sun only partially reaches your balcony, these plants will be just fine. Some of our best balcony plants for low light include Fenton the mahogany fern and Fats the Fatsia Japonica. 

Fenton is much happier in shade than in direct sunlight, and Fats is fine in most light conditions.

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